Life is all about relationship, and to make relationship harmonious and be hitch free, there are values that must necessarily be sustained as a man which lead to rancor –free relationship in families, organisations, and within the society at large.
Values are worthwhile principles that make a system or an entity to work effectively. To come closer home, values are traits, attitudes, character, that makes up a man’s personality. Values are those things which must be considered and observed before we can have success, or effectiveness in all spheres of life; education, marriage, family life, career, ministry, entrepreneurship, sports etc. These are principles and standard that makes things to work and give room for progress. Good values are very important in all human endeavors. The family prepares the foundation upon which the lives of its members are based whether positively or negatively, and the man, according to Bible principles, is the head of the family .We could observe from the society today that the prevalent deficiencies being exhibited came as a result of the deficiency within the family. More than ever, individuals within the society showcase negative values like; selfishness, pride, arrogance, anger, insecurity, dishonesty, greediness ,hostility and a host of others. God is counting on man, especially Christians to bring back godly virtues that can enhance and enrich lives towards establishing positive impact within the society. We can say without any reservation that the main bane of our society is the Home factor. The question is: Is there anything missing in the home? Yes, what is missing in the home can be describe as positive values. The indispensability of core positive values in our Homes cannot be over emphasized, especially with the fact that these can make or mar our families and the society at large. It is therefore exigently imperative for us as men to promote the positive values so as to make the family better, for a better society. There are certain values that must be exhibited by a man to further a smooth relationship and peaceful co-existence, these are: Love: Love is so important and paramount to effective relationship .It has been said that, even the most difficult person can be won over with love. John 13:34-35. There must be unconditional love in the family among father, mother and the children. This love must be so real and conspicuous that it will also rub on their wards. Forgiveness: Lack of forgiveness is a serious disease that could harm both the offender and especially the offended. Bottling up the hurt in the heart hurts and causes more pains e.g. emotional trauma, high blood pressure, strokes, hatred, depression, hindrances to answered prayers Thus, forgiveness is the best style of life and should be embraced and be inculcated into the young ones (Mk.11:25-26). Sharing and caring (Acts 11:25-46): Showing that we care goes a long way in the heart. We must also develop the habit of sharing with one another. Giving is not only in gift or cash but also in kind. Long after you have forgotten the money given to you, you will still remember those who cared for you and shared their time with you Training of children: In order to correct the increasing rate of moral decadence in our society, home training must be seriously considered and be held in high esteem. With the understanding of the fact that we are living in the society where inculcating moral values into children becomes a taboo. Me must give our children both formal and informal education which includes-respect for the culture and the norms of the society, courtesy, everything must however be done in love. Appreciating one another: We must have the understanding that any bit of good done to us is never a right but privilege. We must be addicted to showing gratitude for any act of good deed. A grateful heart never lacks because gratitude brings multiplication. Romans 12:10 Trust: Trust connotes the ability to have confidence in someone for what he /she says or does without any iota of doubt. They must be total trust in one another in order to breed good and lasting relationship. Lack of trust in one another will bring suspicion, animosity and hatred. Keeping secret as secret (Michal 7:5): The joy of having a friend is when you have one you can trust and rely on. If I know that, whenever I entrust myself to you, I will not be put to shame, then, I will always want to be with you and confide in you. Integrity and trust must be our companion. The fear of God (Prov. 1:7): The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom; this is the greatest of all values. To have good success in life and dwell in peace we must essentially develop the habit of fearing God. The fear of God must be passed from one generation to another. King Solomon; the wisest man ever said that “all wisdom put in summary is the fear of God. This must be developed and practiced constantly. Conclusively, to make our society free of social vices and to make our homes a model for others to copy, positive values must be upheld in high esteem, enforced and inculcated into all especially at the nuclear level of the family.
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Pastor Gbenro AdekojoPastor Adekojo is the Pastor in charge of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Winners' Assembly, Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada. He is married to his Soulmate Pst (Mrs) Blessing Adekojo and they are blessed with two wonderful kids, Praise and Favour ArchivesCategories |